
What is an eis
What is an eis

what is an eis

Once the EIS is drafted, it must be sent out for review to Federal agencies with "jurisdiction by law or special expertise with respect to any environmental impact involved and any appropriate Federal, State or local agency authorized to develop and enforce environmental standards." It also must be sent to the project applicant, if any, and to anyone else who has asked for a copy. Scoping is a public process in which review of the agency's initial direction can take place. The agency then carries out "scoping," i.e., figuring out the scope of the analytic work that will create the EIS. It is an opportunity for very early input into the EIS process. This is the first opportunity to review not the EIS itself, but the fact that the agency is going to prepare one. (k) Appendices (if any) How are EISs reviewed?īefore an EIS is prepared, the agency publishes a "notice of intent" (NOI) in the Federal Register and usually notifies potentially concerned parties in other ways as well (by letter, newspaper article, etc.).

what is an eis

(i) List of Agencies, organizations, and persons to whom copies of the statement are sent

what is an eis

(f) Affected environment (What is the human environment that may be affected by each alternative?) (e) Alternatives including proposed action (What reasonable means are there to accomplish the purpose and meet the need? The analysis of alternatives is often referred to as "the heart of the EIS.") (d) Purpose of and need for action (What public purpose is served by whatever action is the subject of the EIS and why does this purpose need to be served?) 10) for an EIS provide a "recommended format" which most agencies follow closely: The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) go into considerable detail about the content and format of an EIS, and into how an EIS is reviewed, finalized, used in decisionmaking, and, if necessary, amended and supplemented.Ībout 500 EISs are done each year by all Federal agencies combined. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is done to analyze and document the impacts of a "major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment" (NEPA Sec.

What is an eis